A young driver, especially a male driver, will pay more in insurance premiums than an older driver. This is due to insurance company statistics that show younger drivers file more insurance claims, which usually results in higher insurance premiums. Additionally, statistics collected by the insurance companies show that young male drivers are very aggressive on the road, which also results in higher monthly insurance premiums.
However, there are a couple of ways to make car insurance for young drivers a little cheaper. As an example, young drivers with good grades will get lower premiums. This is because insurance statistics show a correlation between being a good student and being a safe driver. Also, if a young driver uses his or her car sparingly, as in only to and from school as an example, this too will lower their premiums. Lastly, young drivers should maintain a clean driving record, which can help lower their premiums for the following year.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
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